Exercise the cool way~

Many teen or even young children spend most of their time doing indoor activities. Well, how's good is that?? I guess that's why in Malaysian population, the number of obesity had increase among the younger generation. So here is what you can do younger one. What about spend just an hour of your 24 hour for outdoor activities. It may sound hard for those who never knew how to. But you can at least try even just for a walk around your house! Other than that you can have fun cycling, roller-blading, jogging, and playing football, sepak takraw, basketball or badminton.

These exercise burns excess energy to make you fit and healthy. It maintains your weight at a healthy level. It's good for your heart and muscles, and it increases your flexibility. Exercise even produces chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. So if you need to take a break from studying, go out and have some fun in the sun!
Also remember to warm up before exercise and warm down after that. 

Here is another tips for you to keep healthy;
*Use the stairs - you get a little exercise and you won't have to waste time waiting for the elevator! 

*Walk - you don't always have to ask for a lift from your mom or dad if you're going somewhere within walking distance.

*Help out at home - your parents will love you for mowing the lawn, washing the car or mopping the floor.

Motivate yourself! Only you can do it~


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