B Vitamins - Whats The Difference in B6 and B12

Ok, lets look at why B vitamin is important. Here we can find out what is the difference of B12 and B6.

By Robert Sneed

Together we will examine the differences between the two as well as find out the cause and effect deficiencies of these two Vitamins can have on the body. We will also explore the best dietary sources in which to obtain both Vitamins as part of a healthy diet. Although both vitamins are in fact from the same family there are a few slight but important differences.

Vitamin B6 in a nutshell, is necessary for Protein and Red Blood Metabolism. In other words it is what converts sugar into energy within the body. If not converted properly this same sugar is stored as fat in the body. Making this a leading cause of obesity. More important it helps the body to maintain normal levels of Blood Glucose (sugar). The amount of Glucose present in the body at any given time is very important. Since levels other than normal usually indicates some kind of medical condition. A high level of Glucose is diagnosed as hyperglycemia with persistently low levels being referred to as hypoglycemia. Consistently low levels of B6 are in fact a serious health concern and should be prevented at all cost.

Vitamin B12 is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. It binds with the protein in foods, as a trace mineral the body only stores a minimal amount (2.5 - 5mg) half of which is in the liver. The rest is released by the activity of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach. It is one of the only Water soluble vitamins that the body does store (the body promptly excretes other vitamins in excess through urine).

Deficiency can be defined as failure to maintain the RDA (recommended daily amount) on a continues basis. Deficiencies can best be cured by ingesting these vitamins from Dietary sources as opposed to supplements. Causes of Deficiencies can range from a poor diet to simply a natural deficiency usually inherited genetically.

A deficiency in B6 can effect:
  • Nerves
  • Skin
  • Mucus Membrane
  • Red Blood Cells
A deficiency in B12 can cause:
  • Dementia
  • Neurological Dysfunctions
As I stated before dietary sources are probably the best way to ingest these vitamins for the most effect. Supplements also a good source where intended to be used as more of a "quick-fix" in cases of severe deficiency. Dietary sources on the other hand lend to more of a balanced long-term healthy body as well as normal functionality.
Great dietary sources of B6 are:
  1. Cereal
  2. Milk
  3. Legumes
  4. Grains
  5. Meat
  6. Salmon
  7. Tuna Fish
  8. Pork
  9. Chicken
  10. Bananas'
  11. Beans
  12. Cheese
  13. Eggs
  14. Vegetables
Great Dietary Sources Of B12 Are:
  1. Chicken
  2. Yogurt
  3. Milk & Diary
  4. Boiled Eggs
  5. Some Fruits
  6. Fish
Both Vitamins and Minerals are essential to our health and well-being. Understanding just how they work within the body is the first step in maintaining a healthy body and mind. This will ultimately lead to what we all want and need a healthy lifestyle.

taken from: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Sneed 

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